State Archives of Verona


Stato di avanzamento dell'attività di digitalizzazione


Civil registry

The State Archives of Verona hold the following fonds: Napoleonic Civil Registry of the Department of the Adige (1806-1815), Napoleonic Civil Registry for the city of Verona (1806-1815), Births and baptisms in the city (1731-1800), Deaths in the city (1630-1800), Births and baptisms in the territory (1732-1806), Deaths in the territory (1732-1802).
The Civil Registry of the Municipalities of the Province of Verona (1871-1988) and the Civil Registry of the Municipality of Verona (1885-1988) are also preserved.

Army census

The Verona Military District holds the Recruitment Lists (classes of 1900-1947).

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Verona Military District holds the Draft Cards (1862-1945) and the military records (classes of 1914-1950). The Draft Cards of the province of Mantua (1866-1913) are also preserved.

Other sources in the archive

In the Imperial Regia Pratura Urbana di Verona fonds (1818-1866), the series Eredità, tutele, curatele, allows genealogical research not limited to a single individual, but to entire families in social, economic and private terms.
The fonds of the Istituto Esposti (1808-1938) also contain an important documentary nucleus of repertories, indexes and files of the assisted, divided into males and females.


A database of the inventories is available for consultation. The most relevant of the inventories is the one from Verona Military District.

Archival heritage