State Archives of Udine


Stato di avanzamento dell'attività di digitalizzazione


Civil registry

The Udine State Archive holds the Kingdom of Italy Civil Registryfor the Udine and Pordenone Provinces, which contains the duplicates of the birth, marriage and death certificates and its alphabetical lists from 1806 to 1815. The archive also includes the Attached files series (marriages and deaths). That is to say, the certificates required by the Civil Registry to issue a specific certificate (Parish registries, parental authorization for marriage, other certificates issued abroad…). The Italian Civil Registry –Tolmezzo Court, Italian Civil Registry – Udine Courthold the copies of the certificates (birth, marriage, death and citizenship certificates, decennial indexes and attached files) of all cities of the Udine province from 1871 to 1900. The acts are not complete for the area of the mountains due to the earthquakes of 1976, and can only be consulted at the study room of the archive. For the years 1814/1815 and 1866 the research must be carried out at the local dioceses and parishes.

Army census

This institution holds the following archives: Udine Recruitment Office, which contains the Recruitment Lists of the citizens born between 1846 and 1944 in the Udine province and Pordenone province (until 1883).

Recruitment number and military draw number

This institution holds the Udine Military District, which contains the draft cards and alphabetical lists of the classes of 1872-1912, 1934-1938 and the military records of the non-commissioned officers (1878-1938). The military files from the Udine and Pordenone Districts contains information about the military service, the Army corps and the military campaigns in which the recruits served until their discharge.

Online Sources

The intitute created in 2004 the database “Friuli IN PRIN- Anagrafe storica of the famiglie friulane” with the purpose of making available the historical sources for population. The sources were the recruitment and marriage certificates. Friuli in prin will carry out a solid and reliable structure that will provide personal data of the friulans born between 1846 and 1920 at the Udine and Pordenone provinces. Today (June 2010) the database has identified 84.091 marriage certificates from 1871 to 1900 for all Udine province (except for the Austrian area) and 233.000 recruitment acts for the classes of 1846-1890 from the Ampezzo, Cividale, Gemona, Latisana, Maniago, Moggio, Palmanova, Spilimbergo, Pordenone, San Daniele, San Pietro, Tolmezzo, Tarcento and Udine districts. The Codroipo, Sacile and San Vito district are currently being elaborated.

Other Sources in the Archive

Family books of the Udine census (1836; 1865) are available for consultation in this institute.