State Archives of Treviso


Stato di avanzamento dell'attività di digitalizzazione


Civil registry

The Treviso State Archive holds the Napoleonic Civil Registry files, that is to say, the duplicates of the birth, marriage and death certificates and alphabetical indexes and attached files issued by the cities of the Tagliamento Department to the local Courts. The Napoleonic Civil Registry (1806-1815) includes 188 cities of the former Napoleonic districts of Asolo, Castelfranco, Ceneda, Conegliano, Montebelluna, Motta, Oderzo, Serravalle, Treviso, Valdobbiadene (Civil Registry – online inventory).

From 1816 to the Italian Unification, the Civil Registry was carried ou by priests, so the research during this period should be done at the local dioceses and parishes.

Army census

The sources are gathered at the Treviso Provincial Recruitment Office, which contains the Recruitment Lists of the male citizens born in the district between 1902 and 1907; and 1911 and 1941; Venice Provincial Recruitment Office, for the residents born between 1912 and 1920;

Recruitment number and military draw number

This institution holds the files of the Treviso Military District, which includes the draft cards of the recruits born between 1874-1924, and the Venice Military District, which includes the draft cards of the recruits born between 1900 and 1933.

Online Sources

The Treviso State Archive supports the Portale per le ricerche genealogiche in area trevigiana e veneta, a project that was born with the goal of facilitate the access to the useful files and make research easier. The Databases of the “Draft cards 1874 – 1880″ and the “Lista Generale dei Renitenti 1855 – 1873” are available for consultation

Other sources in the archive

The archive holds other sources, such as statistics, censuses (from 1806 to 1888 and 1912) from Treviso.