State Archives of Trento


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Civil registry

The Province of Trento has been entrusted with the custody and maintenance of the Civil Status fonds. At the State Archives of Trento it is possible to find documentation regarding the Civil Registry in the following fonds:

  • Giudizio Distrettuale di Condino (1814-1867, with documentation from 1708 to 1868)
  • Rovereto Civil Registry (1811-1814).

Army census

The Trento Military District holds the Recruitment Lists (classes of 1921-1950).

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Institute possesses the Draft card and military registry of those born between 1867 and 1950. It should be noted that the original documents of soldiers born between 1867 and 1900 who were employed by the Habsburg Army are kept at the Tiroler Landesarchiv in Innsbruck.

Online Sources

A database of the recruits is available for consultation at the Trento State Archive. This database contains the military records of the soldiers born in Trento Province.

Other sources in the area

The Office for the Archival and Book Heritage and the Provincial Archives of Trento holds the fonds “Civil status of the Napoleonic era, 1811-1815” and “Istituto degli esposti, delle partorienti e dell’istruzione delle mammane alle Laste presso Trento, 1833-1920”.
It should also be noted that, following the issuing of the decree of 21 August 1815, the central court commission entrusted the curators of souls with the task of civil status officers, a role they performed until 1 January 1924, the date on which the Italian civil status was established in the Trentino municipalities. The relevant data are published on the website Nati in Trentino, a project carried out by the Diocesan Archive of Trento.

Online databases

In addition to the database on the matriculation sheets of those born 1867-1925 (to date only those born 1867-1913 have been published), there are
there are databases on Trentino soldiers in other portals, which can be consulted at the following links:
Trentino soldiers killed in the First World War” the project, developed by the Italian War History Museum in Rovereto, has been adopted by the Autonomous Province of Trento;
Trentino soldiers in the Second World War“: this project, which is constantly being updated, is managed by the Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino.

Archival heritage