State Archives of Rovigo


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Civil registry

The State Archive of Rovigo preserves the following fonds:

Napoleonic Civil Registry (1806-1815) produced by the municipalities of the Department of Basso Po.

Municupality di Rovigo, Population roles (1836-1880), Register entries (1930 ca.-1956), Indexes of civil status records (1873-1919), Ten-year migration and immigration index (1901-1929), Population censuses (1901-1921).
Municipality of Boara Polesine, Register of American emigrants (1887-1910).
Municipality of Grignano Polesine, Summary of families (1871-1892).
Municipality of Buso Sarzano, Population rolls (1869-1973), Citizenship records (1893-1929).

Army census

After the suppression of the Rovigo Military District (1951) the military files were partially transferred to the Padua State Archive. Particularly, the Padua archive holds the Rovigo Recruitment Office file (classes of 1855-1910). The Rovigo State Archive holds the Rovigo Military District – Rovigo Recruitment Office, which includes the Recruitment Lists (classes of 1922-1949).

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Padua State Archive holds the Draft Cards of the Rovigo Military District for the classes of 1851-1900. The Rovigo Archive still hold the Draft Cards (classes of 1910-1935) and its indexes and military records (classes of 1860-1943). The Padua Centro Documentale dell’Esercito holds the military records (classes of 1890-1907).

Online Sources

The Padua State Archive has created a database of the recruitment registries of Padua and Rovigo from 1846 to 1902, which is available for consultation at the abovementioned site.

Archival heritage