State Archives of Ravenna


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Civil registry

The Ravenna State Archive holds the Ravenna Napoleonic Civil Registry files (1806-1813), which includes cities as Castiglione, Cervia, Cesenatico, Mezzano, Piangipane, Roncalceci, Russi, San Pietro in Vincoli, Sant’Alberto, Santerno and San Zaccaria as well. The Civil Registry files of Bagnacavallo, Brisighella, Faenza, Fognano (Brisighella) and Russi are held at the Forli State Archive.

Army census

The files Ravenna Province Recruitment Office (classes of 1854-1917), Ravenna Captaincy Navy Recruitment Office (classes of 1922-1982) and the Rimini Captaincy Navy Recruitment Office (classes of 1941-1982) hold the Recruitment Lists of young male residents of the circumscription called to the examination visit. The series are not complete, since some lists (the ones from Ravenna, Faenza and Lugo) of the 1839-1879 classes are filed at the Bologna State Archive.

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Ravenna Military District contains the Draft Cards (classes of 1866-1870). The Draft Cards of the classes of 1879-1893 are filed at the Bologna and Forlì State Archive (classes of 1871-1925).

Other sources in the archive

There are various series of registers, from 1682 to 1958, relating to children abandoned at the orphanage of Ravenna preserved in the funds: Brefotrofio degli exposed, Hospital of S. Maria delle Croci, Municipal assistance body (E.C.A.)of Ravenna. The acts contain the name, date of birth or arrival, the names of the people to whom the children is given and, in some cases, the paternity certificate signed by the biological parents.