State Archives of Potenza


Stato di avanzamento dell'attività di digitalizzazione


Civil registry

Il fondo Atti dello stato civile della provincia di Potenza contains the duplicates of the birth, marriage and death certificates, as well as the memorandum registers (which contain the marriage announcements and the personal data of the marrying couple), and the attached files and marriage processes different acts (in which are listed the children dead during labor, the sentences of rectification of the Civil Registry, the death certificates from abroad, the removals of dead bodies and adoption sentences). The Acts comprise the years between 1809 and 1865. If you would like information about the city list, please check the Potenza State Archive site at SIAS, Civil Registry files of the province di Potenza.

Army census

The Potenza Recruitment Office contains the Recruitment Lists of young males from the classes between 1842 and 1948.

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Potenza Military District holds the draft cards of the recruits (privates and non-commissioned officers) of the classes of 1840-1932 that give us information about the military service and campaigns, the Army corps in which the recruits served until their discharge.

Other sources in the archive

This institution holds the Archive Information of Army and Navy soldiers Office – Potenza subsection (1915-1919) formed by 37 files that gather 42.000 cards, written by volunteers during World War I. The cards contain personal data of the dead, wounded or missing soldiers and their families. The digitalization is currently in course.