State Archives of Parma


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Stato di avanzamento dell'attività di digitalizzazione


Civil registry

The Parma State Archive holds the Civil Registry files of the Borgotaro Circumscription (1806 – 1865), the Civil Registry files of the Parma Circumscription (1806 – 1865), and the Civil Registry files and the Parish Books of Parma (18th – 19th centuries). The Institute holds microfilms series, which are available for consultation at the study room, and reproduce the sources issued by the cities of the province between 1866 and 1910 and the parish books of the territory from the 16th century and 1914.

Army census

The Recruitment Office holds the Draft Cards of the Parma District and City (classes of 1824-1865), with some gaps.

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Recruitment Office holds the Draft Cards of the Parma District and City (classes of 1824-1865), with some gaps.