State Archives of Naples


Stato di avanzamento dell'attività di digitalizzazione


Civil registry

The Naples State Archive holds the Naples Province Civil Registry from 1809 to 1865.

For the period between 1865 and 1900 there is a second inventory of Civil Registry that includes the citizenship certificates (most of them were residence changes), but there were many gaps in this archive.

Army census

The Naples Province Recruitment Office archive holds the Recruitment Lists of the young males born between 1842 and 1949 called to draft examination.

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Naples Military District (classes of 1853-1910); Aversa Military District (classes of 1853-1910); and Nola Military District(classes of 1853-1910) hold the Draft cards, in which we can find information about the military service and campaigns, the Army corps in which the privates and non-commissioned officers served until their discharge.

Online Sources

The institute has created an internal database –which is available for consultation- of the draft cards of the three military districts from 1901 to 1910.

Other Sources in the Archive

Among the archives of special interest for genealogical research we can point out the following:

  • Catastro onciario : (Late 18th century, inventory 0451) this census allow us to reconstrut the family trees of the residents on Southern Italy.
  • Catastro Provisional of the Ciudad de Nápoles: the Catastro muratiano (of Murat) is divided in different sections and it comprises census books and supplements (changes and sections).
    The census books contain information about the owners, the description of the properties and its value in ducats, along with a column for transactions. The new owner inscriptions were done following a chronological order at the attached files.
    Each ‘state of the section’ is organized by areas that subdivide the territory: the census units are put in progressive order in a list, called “articles of the state of the section”, which was part of the so-called “Islands”, numbered and ordered by name and place. Several Islands together formed a neighborhood.
    Since the early 19th century Naples was divided in 12 neighborhoods and several villages. The digitalized Databases from the Naples State Archive includes the Avvocata, Chiaia, Mercato, Montecalvario and Pendino neighborhoods, which contain the states of the sections, the Census and the census books, in alphabetical order, along with the list of all districts.
  • the Avvocata, Chiaia, Mercato, Montecalvario and Pendino neighborhoods, which contain the states of the sections, the Census and the census books, in alphabetical order, along with the list of all districts. La banca dati “Passaporti ed Emigrazione”, sottoserie della divisione Polizia amministrativa dell’archivio generale della Questura di Napoli, per gli anni 1888-1901 consente di navigare tra 22000 fascicoli intitolati a soggetti che furono a vario titolo coinvolti nei grandi movimenti migratori di fine ‘800: richiedenti passaporto ed emigranti oggetto della sorveglianza dell’autorità di pubblica sicurezza.
    I fascicoli nominativi di cui si propone la schedatura tracciano i contorni dell’emigrazione, stabile o temporanea, dalla città e dal circondario di Napoli, prevalentemente di élites professionali, artigianali e operaie; al contempo, attraverso la sorveglianza attiva esercitata dalla Questura di Napoli e dalla delegazione di pubblica sicurezza da essa dipendente e attiva nel brulicante porto cittadino, restituiscono il ritratto dell’esodo dalle campagne del Mezzogiorno, esploso sul finire del secolo.
    L’utente potrà effettuare la ricerca tra un numero approssimativamente stimato di oltre 30000 nominativi, registrati dalla Questura di una delle tre più importanti città portuali d’Italia.

Archival heritage