State Archives of Gorizia


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Civil registry

The sources are not available at this Institute.

Army census

The Udine Recruitment Office holds the Recruitment Lists (classes of 1888-1948). The Gorizia Military District issued the Recruitment Lists with the help of the Recruitment Office, which supervised and completed the Recruitment Lists sent by the cities. In 1937 the Gorizia Military District was suppressed, and its functions were transferred to the Udine and Trieste Military Districts.

Each one of the lists contain information about the Civil Registry, physical features, occupation, alphabetization, and the ruling of the Recruitment Council.

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Military District de Udine – Draft Cards holds the Draft Cards (classes of 1875-1937) of the suppressed Gorizia Military District, whose functions were transferred to the Udine and Trieste Military District. The archive has some gaps, and its military files can be found at the Trieste and Udine State Archives.

Other sources in the archive

TheGorizia City Registry file (1830-1956) holds 33 big registries, identified as the Home books by the State Archive.