State Archives of Bari


Stato di avanzamento dell'attività di digitalizzazione


Civil registry

The Bari State Archive and its sections of Trani and Barletta hold the files of the Civil Registry of Bari (1809-1938) including 10-year Indices and Annexes for district: Acquaviva delle Fonti, Alberobello, Altamura, Bari, Binetto, Bitetto, Bitonto, Bitritto,Capurso, Canneto-Montrone (poi Adelfia), Casamassima, Cassano delle Murge, Castellana Grotte, Cellamare, Conversano, Gioia del Colle, Giovinazzo, Gravina di Puglia, Grumo Appula, Locorotondo, Modugno, Mola di Bari, Monopoli; Noci, Noicattaro, Palo del Colle, Poggiorsini, Polignano a Mare, Putignano, Rutigliano, Sammichele di Bari, Sannicandro di Bari, Santeramo in Colle, Toritto, Triggiano, Turi e Valenzano.

Army census

The recruitment files for this wide province are distributed in the sections of Bari, Barletta and Trani. Bari holds the Recruitment Council, an archived formed by various series: 1) extraction lists of the Altamura circumscription (classes of 1842-1890); 2) Navy Recruitment Lists (classes of 1876-1890) and the Reformed Lists (classes of 1882-1895) of the Bari Harbor Master; 3) Bari Recruitment Lists (classes of 1891-1925) and Reviewed men for draft (classes of 1910-1917).

Archival heritage