State Archives of Arezzo


Stato di avanzamento dell'attività di digitalizzazione


Civil registry

The Arezzo province Civil Registry previous to the Italian unification is held at the Tuscany Civil Registry Archive (1808-1865) insiof the State Archives of Firenze.

Army census

Arezzo Military District holds: Summary Registry (classes of 1883-1891), Extraction Lists (classes of 1841-1890), Recruitment Lists (classes of 1842-1920). The intitute created the database (classes of 1842-1864). Recruitment Lists (classes of 182- ) inside the State Archives of Firenze.

Recruitment number and military draw number

Arezzo Military District holds: Military records privates and troop graduates up to the last seventy years (classes of 1875-1940), Military records (classes 1852), Protocols of Correspondence (1901-1940).


The transcriptions of the death and baptism registries of the Fraternità dei Laici are a useful source for the period between 1808 and 1881, together with the many documents from previous centuries available at the archive.

Other sources in the archive

In the Arezzo State Archive many collections are particularly relevant for genealogical research:

Hospital Santa Maria sopra i Ponti then Spedale del Ponte della Misericordia: Birth, Baptisms foundling children (1585-1865), Marriage foundling (1746-1865) and Death foundling (1784-1861).

Fraternità dei Laici, (1348-1432), 1 registro.

The rest of the sources of this archive belong to the “Fondo antico” of the Arezzo City Hall: family books (1816-1863), censuses (1861; 1871; 1881).

Archival heritage