State Archives of Bolzano


Cerca nei registri Esplora i fondi

Stato di avanzamento dell'attività di digitalizzazione

Non prevista

Civil registry

The sources are not available at this Institute.

Army census

The file Bolzano Military District holds a collection of Recruitment acts from the Austrian-Hungarian military administration for the recruits born between 1830 and 1906 and the Recruitment registries of the Bolzano Recruitment Office (classes of 1910-1946).

Recruitment number and military draw number

The file Bolzano Military District holds the Draft Cards (classes of 1877-1950) and the military records (classes of 1875-1950).

Other sources in the area

The microfilms of the Parish Books (in other words, the baptisms, marriages and deaths, and, in some cases, confirmations, illegitimate children and families) from the 1670’s to today are available for consultation in the Bolzano Provincial Archive.

Archival heritage