State Archives of Trieste


Stato di avanzamento dell'attività di digitalizzazione


Civil registry

The Trieste State Archive holds the Civil Registry of Trieste(1924-1944), which is composed of the duplicates of the Civil Registry files and the attached files, previously preserved in the Trieste District Court. All cities in the province are included in this file, even those given to Yugoslavia after the 1947 peace treaty.

Army census

The Institute holds the following files:

The Institute holds the following files: – Military records of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which includes the Recruitment Lists (classes of 1850-1900);

Trieste Recruitment Office, which includes the Recruitment Lists (classes of 1899-1944);

Trieste Harbormaster, for the Trieste Navy Recruitment Lists (classes of 1901-1925) and for the Montefalcone district as well (classes of 1931-1934).

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Institute holds the following files:

Military records of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which includes the Draft Cards and military records (classes of 1850-1900);

Trieste Military District, for the Draft Cards, which contain information about the military service, the war campaigns and the assigned corps until the soldier’s discharge (1858-1942).


A database of the military records of the Trieste Military Districtis available for consultation at this site.

Archival heritage